Arhitekturnij Shrift

Bližnje mesto, Koordinati Površina 814 akrov (329 ha) Zgrajeno 1942 ( 1942) Obiskovalci 81,344 (2007) NRHP reference # CHISL # 850 LAHCM # 160 Pomembnejši datumi Vpisano v NRHP July 30, 1976 Razglasitev NHL February 4, 1985 Razglasitev NHS March 3, 1992 Razglasitev CHISL 1972 Razglasitev LAHCM September 15, 1976 Designations [ ] name — The NRHP listing name, preferably the exact name listed on the Register, although we turn around names that have been reordered for alphabetization purposes, such as 'Smith, John, House'. This does not have to match the name of the article. If the article name is different, then this name should also be included with bold text in the lead. Example format — name = Manzanar War Relocation Center.

Arhitekturnij shrift meaning

Collection by Arhitekturni Nasvet. Dnevni prostori predstavljajo glavni prostor sprostitve v našem domu. Prav zato je zelo pomembno, kako so zasnovani. Urbanistični pomen, pomembnejši arhitekturni objekti/ureditve v bližini).

A character sheet based on the TSR original for a an AD&D setting called 10th Age can be used for other AD&D 2e settings. The only thing that makes it specific to the creator's 10th Age setting is the text in the upper right, where the AD&D 2e logo would have been. Excel character sheet template. Scott Rowley's Second Edition AD&D character sheet is just what you need for your 2E game. This is a set of character sheets for basic D&D and include a generic. 2Nd Edition D&Amp;D Excel Character Sheet. But I don't know that we've ever touched upon our Favorite Character. Tell us the good and bad points of the character, their faults, strengths, etc. Oh, and don't forget the level (or particular favorite level range). So I created an NPC named ' (the) Warlock, Voyce Xanadu'.

Added — Date that the NRHP was added to the register. Example format — added = July 30, 1976. Nrhp_type — Type of historic place (as defined by the ). Setting any value to this causes a bar to be shown across the top of the infobox with that designation and its standard color. Former designations grey out the bar and add the word 'Former.'