Coolsat 6000 Premium Bin Files

Looking for a solution to obtain the latest FTA Keys for your FTA reciever? Tired of FTA sites that are full of ads and out dated FTA FTA files? Then you've come to the right place, Good FTA is your premier source for the latest. Get the support you need for your FTA equipment today with Good FTA! All levels of access on our private board includes fast downloads, the latest factory files, the newest FTA Files, the latest LOADER files and applications such as and now for paid members. You will find your membership on our to be your one stop solution for the latest FTA information and tutorials.

We now offer a new and a new for our members. GoodFTA can help you fix your receiver without having to drive across town and hand your receiver to a third party whom you have never met and may not trust. Garmin xt wince 800x480 camera.

We have the support area that gives you the ability to maintain your receiver yourself. Without having to deal with costly stores or installers. Our primary goal is to provide safe and effective FTA Files, such as Factory files. We also provide innovative that the other guys just can't offer.

We have a pleathra of information on LNBS, DISEQ switches, Satelite Aiming, and news.We are geared towards helping people new to FTA and getting you started with all the support. We also have exclusive FTA Video Tutorials produced by the GoodFTA Staff that walk you through common setup, scanning, loading and trouble shooting videos to guide you through the process of setting up popular FTA Receivers. Join us today!

Click to expand.There are no new firmware updates, but you can use download the satellite / channel list and use a tool like Channel Master to update the satellites. I bought one used locally for $30 and it is a nice receiver. It blindscans better than my Coolsat 7000. The 7000 sometimes hangs on certain transponders and won't finish the scan. The Coolsat 6000 has never done that in the month or two I've had it. I think they are easily worth $30, even used.

If you can get a new one shipped for less than $50 you should be ok. Assuming you have a Windows PC with a serial port handy for Channel Master. I don't understand why these manufacturers have to get so fancy in their updates. I use tons of equipment that occasionally need firmware updates. The ones with serial ports have all been simple xmodem uploads and the ones with Ethernet ports are just basic tftp. You just get the.bin file and upload it and tell the device to upgrade.

People always seem to needlessly complicate things. Things like channel lists, etc. Should just be simple text files.

If all else fails, I guess I can always use a hex editor to tweak the file as needed. I did finally buy one of these on eBay. Supposed to be new in box. I shouldn't have been in such a hurry, though.

New bin file coolsat 8000 coolsat 6000 stb files coolsat. 128 bin file coolsat 6000 coolsat canada only. Coolsat 6000 premium downloads new fta keys coolsat.

I got mine for $45. They go every half hour.

The next two were in the mid $30s, the rest so far look like they're holding in the $20s. Now I can get started FTA'ing. No motor yet. What is a good satellite to start with that might have something worth watching?