Dumper V704 Exe

• The User Mode Process Dumper (userdump) dumps any running Win32 processes memory image (including system processes such as csrss.exe, winlogon.exe, services.exe, etc) on the fly, without attaching a debugger, or terminating target processes. Generated dump file can be analyzed or debugged by using the standard debugging tools. The userdump generates dump file by several triggers; • Dump by specifying PID or process name from command line • Dump automatically when process being monitored caused exceptions • Dump automatically when process being monitored exited • Dump by pressing hot key sequence Updates in April 4,2007 (Build 8.1.2929.5) • Userdum is now fully compatible with Windows Server 2003 SP2 and Windows XP x64 Edition SP2. Previously, Process Monitoring did not function on SP2 of these operating systems. The same problem also occurred if a hotfix for KB919341 or KB909613 was applied to SP1 of these operating systems. This problem has been fixed. • System crash problem on Windows 2000 SP4 has been fixed.

Sep 12, 2007 - Figure 19: Changes made between snapshots displayed with fc.exe (top). Recovering decryption keys from a memory dump of a system. Process Memory Dumper (PMD) is an application that allows you to dump. Executing PMD.exe builds a list of Running Processes along with each of its PIDs.

Bugcheck 0x1E (BucketID = userdump!ExtractImageFileName+26) could happen when a process monitored by Exit Monitor went to zombie state (the process is not alive but still remains in the system process list) and another process attempted to terminate the process in zombie state. Exit Monitor no longer dumps processes in zombie state in this case as they don’t have any meaningful memory image. Updates in August 7,2006 (Build 8.1.2929.4) • Thread time information is added to the dump file by default so that debugger extension!runaway works. • Added all other meaningful MiniDumpWriteDump() options available in dbghelp.dll V6.4.7.1 • Comment stream is added to the dump file indicating that the dump file was generated by userdump.exe.

Comment includes Computer Name and how userdump.exe was launched • New userdump.exe -W option is added to add Window handle information. Udext.dll debugger extension DLL is provided to see this information by debugger to debug the dump file. • EXEs and DLLs are now installed to%windir% system32 kktools folder and this location is added to system path. • Userdump.exe is linked with dbghelp.dll dynamically for x86, too. You now need userdump.exe and dbghelp.dll provided with userdump.exe even in command line mode. The same dbghelp.dll is also installed for full-featured mode.

Motorola datawedge software. • Userdump.exe no longer uses system provided dbghelp.dll on x64 and IPF. Instead, dbghelp.dll provided with userdump is always used on all platforms – x86, x64, and IPF.