Gotovie Prezentacii Dlya Yaseljnoj Gruppi

Section 1 1. Spain is hereby established as a social and democratic State, subject to the rule of law, which advocates freedom, justice, equality and political pluralism as highest values of its legal system. 2. National sovereignty belongs to the Spanish people, from whom all state powers emanate. 3. The political form of the Spanish State is the Parliamentary Monarchy. Section 2 The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish Nation, the common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards; it recognizes and guarantees the right to self-government of the nationalities and regions of which it is composed and the solidarity among them all.

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Section 3 1. Castilian is the official Spanish language of the State. All Spaniards have the duty to know it and the right to use it. 2. The other Spanish languages shall also be official in the respective Self-governing Communities in accordance with their Statutes. 3. The richness of the different linguistic modalities of Spain is a cultural heritage which shall be specially respected and protected.

Section 4 1. The flag of Spain consists of three horizontal stripes: red, yellow and red, the yellow strip being twice as wide as each red stripe. 2. The Statutes may recognize flags and ensigns of the Self-governing Communities. These shall be used together with the flag of Spain on their public buildings and in their official ceremonies. Section 5 The capital of the State is the city of Madrid. Section 6 Political parties are the expression of political pluralism, they contribute to the formation and expression of the will of the people and are an essential instrument for political participation. Their creation and the exercise of their activities are free in so far as they respect the Constitution and the law. Their internal structure and their functioning must be democratic.

Section 7 Trade unions and employers associations contribute to the defence and promotion of the economic and social interests which they represent. Their creation and the exercise of their activities shall be free in so far as they respect the Constitution and the law. Their internal structure and their functioning must be democratic. Section 8 1. The mission of the Armed Forces, comprising the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, is to guarantee the sovereignty and independence of Spain and to defend its territorial integrity and the constitutional order. 2. The basic structure of military organization shall be regulated by an Organic Act in accordance with the principles of the present Constitution.

Section 9 1. Citizens and public authorities are bound by the Constitution and all other legal previsions. 2. It is the responsibility of the public authorities to promote conditions ensuring that freedom and equality of individuals and of the groups to which they belong are real and effective, to remove the obstacles preventing or hindering their full enjoyment, and to facilitate the participation of all citizens in political, economic, cultural and social life. 3. The Constitution guarantees the principle of legality, the hierarchy of legal provisions, the publicity of legal statutes, the non-retroactivity of punitive provisions that are not favourable to or restrictive of individual rights, the certainty that the rule of law shall prevail, the accountability of public authorities, and the prohibition of arbitrary action of public authorities.

Important information If you expect to arrive outside the official hours, please contact the property in advance. Check out after 10:00 is not possible. Please note that late check-in is available upon prior confirmation and for a surcharge. For groups of 3 - 4 people, a deposit of EUR 500 is required per apartment for incidentals. This will be returned at check-out, subject to a damage inspection. Please note that the final cleaning is not included. Please note that the towels are changed only for stays of 5 and more nights.

On 24 December, check-in is possible only until 13:00.

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