How To Get Computer Serial Number In Vbnet

You should use WMI for this, specifically querying the. The property you want to get is DeviceID.' A sample WMI call in the context of a console application might look like this: Dim mos As New ManagementObjectSearcher('SELECT * FROM Win32_UsbController') For Each mo As ManagementObject In mos.Get() Console.WriteLine(mo.Properties.Item('DeviceID').Value) Next Console.ReadLine() You would need to add references to System.Management and System.Management.Instrumentation to use ManagementObjectSearcher and ManagementObject.

Free VB projects - Get disk serial number using the file system object (Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP) Intelligent Programming Tools For Smart Developers! Motomaster eliminator intelligent battery charger. Smart ActiveX Controls & Components For VB, VC++, Delphi, VB.NET, C#.NET, VC++.NET, ASP.NET, ASP & HTML Products Free VB Code Site Content Web Free VB Projects Get disk serial number using the file system object (Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP) Description: This VB code (function) enables you to retrieve the hard disk (partition) serial number. This serial number is generated by Windows (or DOS) when you format a disk partition.

Nov 21, 2005 - Does anyone know how to retrieve the system serial number? I'm writing an. Number and with a computer connected to a LAN or whatever that uses a network adapter. Ever-so-slightly to work in VB.NET. But it retrieves. Get H/D Serial number (Not Volumn Serial Number) for IDE and SATA. Browse other questions tagged serial-number or ask. Get the real serial number of Hard.