Proshivka Aiwa 32le6020

Aiwa 22LE3110 Chassis: T.MS6M181.13B 11295 Firmware Aiwa 24LE3110 Chassis: T.MS6M181.13B 11295 Firmware AIWA 32LE6020, 40LE6120.

• For your convenience, record the model number (you will find it at the bottom of the unit) and serial number (you will find it in the battery compartment) in the space provided below. Please refer to them when you contact your AIWA dealer in case of difficulty. • Power Supply IMPORTANT Make sure that FUNCTION is set to (!) STANDBY POWER/ TAPE before connecting the AC cord or inserting batteries. Connect the AC cord as illustrated below. — — — to the AC inlet of the unit CAUTION Use only the supplied AC cord. • VOLUME QSOUND Set FUNCTION to CD.

Press OPEN mark to open the disc compartment and place a disc with the printed side up. F30pEN ‘ll~l” Press Wl 1 PLAYIPAUSE to start The track number is displayed.

“1” indicates that the 1st track is playing, and indicates the 11th track. • REPEAT PLAYIPAUSE SKIPISEARCH STOP F/Ii FUNCTION to RADIO. Select a band with BAND.

Tune to a station with TUNING. Turn VOLUME and BASS to adjust the sound. For better reception AM antenna is inside the Extend the FM antenna and unit. • ADVERTENCIA PARA REDUCIR EL RIESGO DE INCENDIOS O SACUDIDAS NO EXPONGA ESTE APARATO A LA LLUVIA NI A LA HUMEDAD. “CAUTION: T O REDUCE THE RISKOF ELECTRIC SHOCK, NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK), NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL.”. • Fuentes de alimentacion FUNCT IMPORTANTE Cerciorese de que FUNCTION este en (!) STANDBY POWER/TAPE antes de conectar el cable de alimentacion de CA o de insertar Ias pilas.

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Conecte el cable de alimentacion de CA como se en la ilustracion. Muestra a la toma de CA de la unidad ‘h’. • ‘uNcTiON ~ Ponga FUNCTION en CD. Presione OPEN para abrir el compartimiento del disco compacto, y coloque un disco compacto con la cara impress hacia arriba.

Fluiddraw p5 crack. ‘ll~lk—— Presione -/11 PLAY/PAUSE reproduction. Se visualizara et ntimero de cancion. “1” indica que esta reproduciendose cancion, y indica que esta reproduciendose “O 1”.

• REPEAT STOP PLAYIPAUSE o[[~ RECORD PLAY REWIND FFWD STOP/EJECTpAus~ > Ponga FUNCTION en RADIO. Seleccione la banda con BAND. Sintonice la emisora con TUNING. Gire VOLUME y BASS para ajustar el sonido. Para mejorar la recepcion La antena de AM se Extienda la antena de FM y orientela hasta Iograr la encuentra en et interior de la. • Noter clansI’espace reserve a cet effet ci-dessous Ie numero de modele (indique au dos de I’appareil) et Ie numero de serie (indique clans Ie compartment a piles). Toujours mentioner ces numeros clans toutes Ies relations avec Ies revendeurs AIWA en cas de probleme.

‘“demOde’e~N”dese’e~ Precautions. • Alimentation electrique IMPORTANT Verifier que la commande FUNCTION est reglee sur O STANDBY POWER/TAPE avant de raccorder Ie cable electrique ou d’inserer Ies piles. Raccorder Ie cable en procedant comme illustre. Prise electrique de I’appareil ATTENTION N’utiliser que Ie cable electrique fourni. L’emploi de tout autre c~ble electrique presente un risque d’incendie. • ‘uNcTiON ~ Regler la commande FUNCTION ~ Appuyer sur I’indication OPEN pour ouvrir Ie compartment a disque et inserer un disque c6te imprime en haut.

— ‘l— Appuyer sur la touche WI1 pour commencer la lecture. Le numero de plage est indique.

• RECORD PLAY ~EwlND ~ ~wD STOWEJECTpAUSE Regler la commande FUNCTION Choisir une bande de frequencies a I’aide de la commande BAND. Regler sur une station a I’aide de la commande TUNING.

Regler Ie son a I’aide des commandes volume (VOLUME) et de tonalite (BASS). LPour meilleure reception L’antenne AM se trouve a I’interieur. • DERECHOS DE AUTOR Compruebe Ias Ieyes sobre derechos de autor en relacidn con Ias grabaciones de la radio, disco o cinta externa del pais donde vaya a utilizarse el aparato.

AIWA CO.,LTD. Kong Printed in Hong Fiche technique Partie tuner Gamme de frequencies, antenne —.

• Y, YH, YHT, TP-VS485 YJ, YL SERVICE MANUAL CASSETTE RECORDER BASIC TAPE MECHANISM: ZZM-6 R2NF • This Service Manual is the 'Revision Publishing' and replaces 'Simple Manual' (S/M Code No. • Recording system DC bias Erasing system Magnet erasure Power sources DC 3 V using two R6 (size AA) dry cell batteries AC house current using the AC adaptor Aiwa AC–D302 Battery life Battery EIAJ Recording EIAJ 10 mW Manganese (R6P) batteries Approx. • ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST REF.