Tinypng Photoshop Plugin Full Version

In this article take a look at three image tools:,. We compare the three tools for their optimisation features and decide on a best-approach workflow by running some practical tests. We actually learned a lot from doing this, in fact, we will be refining our workflow as a result. So we hope you will find it equally as useful or at least inspire you to undertake your own tests to decide on which approach is best for you. Why We Decided to Put These Image Optimisation Tools to the Test OK, so although we seemed to have our workflow pretty well sorted, there was always a nagging feeling, that maybe we were making some assumptions about these tools. Risunki dlya gravirovki po metallu. It’s easy enough to do!


When you are dealing with potentially hundreds of images for a website, you don’t really have the time to assess every image against the various tools to find the best approach. You tend to find a workflow that gives you good results and stick with it.

So the purpose of this article is to challenge our own assumptions and actually put these tools to the test. Let’s find out if we are using the most effective workflow, and also are we giving the best advice to those clients of ours who edit their own websites. Asking questions is a great way to challenge assumptions. The questions we put to ourselves during the tests that follow are: • Are the Photoshop image optimisation tools actually the best? • Is TinyPNG actually better at compressing images than WP Smush Pro?

• If the answer to either of the above questions is no, then a third question arises – What is the best workflow for optimising images? How WordPress Deals With Images Before we begin, it is worth taking a little time to understand what WordPress actually does with an image when you load it into your Media Library. WordPress has the ability to automatically generate a series of thumbnails for every image you upload.

Download TinyPNG TinyJPG Photoshop Plug-in 2.3.0 MacOSX 12.32 MB Smart PNG and JPEG compression - Optimize your images with a perfect balance in quality and file size. TinyPNG uses smart lossy c full download. Use Explorer to copy the TinyPNG-JPG.license file from the download folder to your Photoshop plugin folder. The plugin folder is usually located in C: Program Files Adobe Adobe Photoshop. If you are using a 64 bit version of Windows, you may need to copy the license file twice.

Whatever theme you have installed will determine what thumbnail sizes are generated. Some themes can actually have this feature disabled, but most themes will generate a LARGE, MEDIUM & SMALL version of the image as well as keeping the original. At Unbranded Space our theme supports LARGE (1024×1024 pixels), MEDIUM-LARGE (768×768 pixels), MEDIUM (300×300 pixels) and THUMBNAIL (150×150 pixels) as well as the FULL (original) image.

So for every image that is uploaded, 4 additional images are generated. Our Image Optimisation tools of Choice At Unbranded Space we generally use 3 tools as part of our regular image optimisation process. ADOBE PHOTOSHOP Photoshop is our “go to” tool for any kind of serious image editing. We use it to create all sorts of images, from composites (combining parts of images to create something new) to enhancements (colour grading & filters), to simple resizing or cropping of images.

We also use the “Export For Web” feature in Photoshop as part of our optimisation process. We do this for both JPG and PNG image files – pretty much the only image files we use for the web. TINYPNG TinyPNG is a very simple image optimiser. You simply go to the and drag your image onto the page, wait for the software to perform it’s magic, and then download your optimised image. TinyPNG is free to use, however, there is an option to sign up for a subscription which gives you access to additional features. We have found that even after optimising your image in Photoshop, taking the image through TinyPNG gives you a further reduction in file size. Because of this, it is a regular part of our optimisation workflow.