Hkeylocalmachine Software Clients Mail Default Program

Lenge 2011-10-12 10:19:09 UTC A small Windows-specific bug that has survived at least since OOo 3.2: The 'Document as E-mail' toolbar button (usually the 4th button in the main toolbar) opens the wrong mail client if the current user has specified a default client that differs from the respective admin setting. The toolbar button seems to always use the mail client that is stored in the registry at 'HKLM Software Clients Mail', which is an admin-only setting that normal users cannot change. If the current user has set his own default client (stored at 'HKCU Software Clients Mail'), this setting is supposed to have precedence over the admin setting. However, it is ignored by the above toolbar button (same in Writer and Calc, not sure about the other apps). Unlike this specific toolbar button, the rest of LibreOffice (and all other apps that I came across) behaves as expected: If you click a 'mailto' URL in a document, the correct (user-specific) mail client opens. Not a big deal, but should be fixed someday. Steps to reproduce: 1. Film transitions.

On a Windows XP machine, leave the 'HKLM Software Clients Mail' admin setting at its default value 'Outlook Express'. Login as a user and set a different user-specific default mail client (e.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Clients Mail. This should clean the HKLM Software Clients Mail default value first. Use Default Programs to set the default. The first is to manually set Outlook 2010 as the default mail client, via Start > Control Panel > Set Program Access and Defaults ( Start > Default Programs in Vista and 7) and follow the.

By clicking the accoring GUI option in Thunderbird, or by directly writing 'Mozilla Thunderbird' to 'HKCU Software Clients Mail'). While logged in as the above user, run Writer (or Calc) and click the 'Document as E-mail' toolbar button. Current behavior: Outlook Express is opened (which is wrong). Expected behavior: Mozilla Thunderbird should open instead. Platform (if different than the browser): Windows XP Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1. Lenge 2012-02-26 13:08:54 UTC Cite: 'Writer uses MAPI interface handler, a system-wide setting.'

That is more of a different bug description instead of a resolution. Is it really an explicit design goal to make Writer ignore the user-specific mail client and thereby enforce one that the currently logged-in user has not even configured to work for him?

And, if so, then why is this behavior only present for this one toolbar button? I sincerely think that this button should behave just as if any 'mailto:' link was clicked in any LibreOffice application (even in Writer!) - which opens the correct (user-specific) mail client. Or is there any specific reason for insisting on the current behavior that I might have missed?

Michael Meeks 2012-02-27 01:55:52 UTC > That is more of a different bug description instead of a resolution. Is it > really an explicit design goal to make Writer ignore the user-specific mail > client and thereby enforce one that the currently logged-in user has not even > configured to work for him? And, if so, then why is this behavior only present > for this one toolbar button? If you can find an API that can be used to -send- mail - ie. Not just launch a mail client, but populate it with contents, and preferably silently send the mail out for mail-merge, and then work on replacing the MAPI code [ which provides just such an API ], with this new API then you're welcome to!:-) In the meantime to resolve the inconsistency, we could remove / hide the - 'mailto:' handler selection on Windows I suppose - if that makes you happy, and try to track / deduce that setting from whatever Windows is using for the MAPI library: would that solve the problem for you?

Lenge 2012-02-27 06:16:20 UTC [b]@Michael:[/b] If you are looking for an API to *silently* send emails without any mail client showing up, you can use the according functionality of Microsoft's Collaborative Data Objects (CDO). I have example code (Excel VBA) on how to use it if you are interested. There also are other ways such as the free BLAT SMTP engine ( However, for silently sending emails without user interaction, you'd need the user to pre-define an according SMTP account or provide your own.

But, concerning the 'Document as E-mail' toolbar button, I think the intended behavior is not to have it sending an email silently (to whom?), but to open the user's mail client for a new email with the current LibreOffice document already attached. At least this is what it currently does, and it works independent of a specific email client (I checked with Outlook, Outlook Express, and Thunderbird). The problem is just that it insists on using the HKLM (admin-only) instead of the HKCU (user) defined mail client.